Below is a story from one of our Spring Break staff who got to experience how MA changes the lives of youth!
This past week I staffed a Mission Adventures program, a week long mission trip for youth groups, and had the privilege of witnessing teenagers step into active faith. During our Gospel presentation night, the kids listened as people shared testimonies and told them about being in God’s glory, and how God gave His Spirit to us through His Son. With lights dimmed and music playing, Aaron challenged the kids to go and talk to one of us on staff if they wanted to begin a relationship with Jesus for the first time, or if they wanted to be prayed over. At first no one moved. We waited..and waited…and waited some more. I was starting to wonder if anyone was going to actually move.
Suddenly, two 6th grade girls came over to me with tears in their eyes. Cici approached me and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever actually had a relationship with Jesus.” She told me how she always knew about Him, but never felt like that relationship was ever actually hers. I was able to encourage her and pray with her to start that relationship for the first time. I knew it was hard for her to get up while all the older kids sat there, but I knew the Holy Spirit prompted her and it’s only a foreshadowing of the intense desire in her heart to pursue Jesus, which can’t be quenched from her peers’ opinions. This just sparked the fire!!
Throughout the week I saw amazing transformation in her life as a spirit of teachability was birthed in her. She took what she learned from that week to actively tell people on the streets about Jesus! I saw her heart break for the slaves of sex trafficking. She learned as William Wilberforce says, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never again say that you did not know.” When she was taught that this issue is international and domestic she told me, “It’s really hard because now it’s in my mind and I can’t just get it out!” We were able to teach her how sex trafficking is relevant in America, even right here in Orlando! She now knows that she can play a part in stopping this slavery through prayer, support, and telling others she has the possibility to see this come to an end!!!
The week was amazing and ended with a bang! During our missions night we described life in closed, difficult, or unreached nations that we on staff have personally experienced in spreading the Gospel in places like East and Central Asia and India. Cici was telling one of our staff members that she felt God was calling her to spread His name in a country. When he asked her which country, she said, “I don’t wan’t to say yet, because I’m not sure it’s actually a country. Do you have a map?” As her finger traced over the surface of the map her eyes got bigger as she said, “ OH my gosh! Bangladesh is actually a country!” It was amazing that in the same week she learned about hearing God’s voice, she was burdened for a country that she didn’t even know existed. We’re very excited to see where God takes her and what He does with her and Bangladesh! In addition to Cici’s heart revelation, two other youth were moved by the Lord and committed to praying and eventually going to India!
- Bailey Danely, YWAM Orlando Staff