God is working miracles in the Mission Adventures internship!

So today as we were learning about networking and how that MA programs should work together as a family, one of the folks in the room got a call.  She got up and excused herself to take the call.  She came back in and kindly explained that the person who called was interested in the Idaho base’s Alaska outreach but was in the Atlanta Georgia area and didn’t want to fly to Idaho for training then to Alaska because that would be out of their budget.  So the lady was informed that the Atlanta base was starting a Mission Adventures program and could do the training and then the Idaho base could meet the team on the ground in Alaska. The woman looking into the Mission Adventures program was overjoyed and said that would be great!  

And that my friends is how I got my first MA group!  A miracle straight from God!!  The two bases that were involved were in the same room, at the same time, both across the country from their bases and at the MA internship.  The Lord is blessing the MA program and I am excited to be a part of it!  The MA program really has the ability to bring people together and unify the body of Christ.  It unifies YWAM bases and the local church.  After this happened we were taken out by local youth pastors to pick their brains about how to best serve them and what they would like to see from someone they work with.  

God is good and has blessed me with a chance to be a part of both the Mission Adventures program and a part of this awesome internship.  This is the best money I have spent in a while and the program will impact my base far beyond what I thought was possible!  It’s funny how God works to show us the value of things, many times, AFTER we have taken that step of faith into a place we might not be sure of. That is absolutely what has happened to me! As we go forward in the Missions Adventures program I can’t wait to see what God has up His sleve and I’m only sorry that I ever doubted Him before.  If you are unsure about your base getting this program and investing in it, stop wondering and start acting. God is working in Mission Adventures and if you don’t get on board your missing out.