2020 Theme for North America
Theme Statement
The MVMT Theme Statement, (Maybe we should call it “The STMT”?!) includes a manifesto, a rallying cry to a generation to get on with God’s agenda of redeeming a planet that’s desperate for the coming Kingdom. Click below to download a PDF of the Theme Statement.
The MVMT speaker notes are a great tool for you to share with your speakers. But it’s not just for them— it’s great for you too. It’s a starting place for the theme to come alive. As you read, imagine how you can imprint The MVMT theme onto your students! Click below to download a PDF of the Speaker Notes.
The MVMT Loops
Project these where you meet with your students for some extra awesome ambiance!
Sergio Montes, artist extraordinaire of YWAM San Antonio Del Mar, has whipped up some fantastic motion graphics that you can use during your sessions! These feature the spiffy artwork you’re already in love with, and now they subtly animate and work perfect as a background.