Thought you knew it all ???

It has been mind blowing the amount of information Marina and I have gained in two days. For us,this internship has swept to the side lots of what we thought and pictured as Mission Adventures.

One of the biggest things I have learned is the value of good up front relationships with youth pastors. I think many of us might be calling every church in our local phone books and trying to get groups to come but find that certain leaders are very hesitant to jump on board. I was alwas baffled and slightly miffed that I did not posses the abilty to flood these pastor with enthusiasm for Mission Adventures in three minutes of conversation.Well….duhhhh, here I am, a total stranger calling asking him to trust me with his youth. The kids he spends so much time investing into, pouring his time and life out for.

I had the opportunity to talk with several Salem youth pastors today over coffee who meet regulary with Tim Walter just to hang out, chat and have a good time. Not to recruit for MA, not to get thier kids to do a DTS or join staff. Simply just to be in fellowship, see whats going on in the community and help each other out with stuff. This made me ask myself, when was the last time I called a youth pastor just to see if he wanted to hang out or how I could help him? As YWAMers we should be working on these relationships and helping out with the church any way we can, because we are all on the same team.

I am throwing this challenge out to us all,myself included. Foucs on building and strengthing your relationships with the youth pastors in your community. Make time for them,listen to them, encourage them, even become friends with them.

So if you get a chance to do a Mission Adventures internship in the future don’t miss out!!!      Booyah! Yes I said Booyah,
