I have been to a few YWAM functions since I’ve been with the organization but the trainging I am recieveing at the Mission Adventures internship takes the cake! All the information and training we have recieved has been well thought out, practicle and hands on. We are learning tested methods as well as being encouraged to take those concepts and apply them how they will best suit our needs! Craig McClurg and Tim Walter have done a great job not only of making sure that we have all the tools we need to make a sucessful program like; marketing, how to use the MA website and how to best serve with the youth and their leaders but we are having a BLAST doing it!! It has been great to see some of the highlighs of the city as well as being intigrated right into the work that Tim Walter is doing here in Salem, OR. It has been a real pleasure to be welcomed in and made to feel right at home. I know that by the time I leave here not only will I have more confidence and direction for YWAM Atlanta’s new Mission Adventures program but I will also have friends that are commited to helping us succede as fellow workers in the body of Christ!
Thanks for all the help guys