Get relationships....empower young people...bless a youth pastor.

I have been doing MA for quite a long time now, and it is easy to develope a “cookie cutter” perspective when it comes to running Mission Adventures.  Sure, many times the old ways work the best, and it is always great to stick with something that has time and time again proven to be significant at changing peoples lives.  But, I also know that we have to strive to make our MA programs more attractive to youth leaders, and the youth they minister to.  I am real stoked about something we will be starting here this summer in Salem.  It was spawned out of our friendship here with a local youth pastor who wants to do MA, but doesnt have the $ to do so.  GOd layed this group pon my heart, and we have decided to begin a scholorship program for MA here in Salem.  We are gonna scholarship one youth group a year to help cut costs for the group. Here is the catch…..the group we scholorship has to give us 2 volunteers for a 2-3 week internship with us in the summer.  Once we proposed this to the youth pastor, she was super excited, and already has begun to make plans for the two kids who will be serving with us this summer.  So excited for this.  Get creative guys, see how you can develop and adjust your program to meet the needs of youth pastors….cookie cutters are great….but usually just around Christmas time. I am pumped to have local teenagers in Salem here staffing our programs.  I am excited to give youth pastors some financial breaks to get their groups coming, and I am super pumped that the bond of relationship continues to grow strong with local youth pastors here in Salem.  God your awesome. 

Live long and prosper
