May Is A Month for Us to Refocus and Reimagine Our Ministries for These Coronavirus Times.
In a Time of Low Visibility We Need High Creativity
What crazy times we live in right now! It seems to me like the world has hit the pause button. For the last forty days, I’ve been reading, praying, and listening. Slowly, ideas and impressions have been forming in my heart. And I feel like now, this month of May, is a time for us to reimagine our ministries. Of course, I’m not quite sure what is going to happen in the next few months. But it’s unlikely that here in North America we will be able to travel or to host teams like we normally would. We may also be prevented from doing ministry face-to-face. Things have changed dramatically.
God is not under a stay-at-home order, and he doesn’t have to wear a mask. He is at work accomplishing his purposes on the earth. And I think he’s inviting us to join him in his work in new ways.
I believe God is calling us to rethink our ministries. I think he’s saying to us, “Write down this vision.” I think he’s reminding us that we have a calling. I think he’s saying to us that he expects us to fulfill our calling. I think he’s extending his hand to us in invitation and saying, “Follow me.”
“And then God answered: “Write this.
Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.”
We Start with Questions: Let’s begin by asking ourselves some foundational questions. Let’s get in that place with God and examine our motivations and the fruitfulness we’ve enjoyed so far. We’ve developed a survey that you can use to awaken your vision. This isn’t an info-gathering survey. This is a gift-activating survey. It will only take fifteen minutes, and it’s designed to help you reimagine your ministry for these times. Soon we’ll compile everyone’s answers and post them here on the Insider.
We Transition to Outcomes: Let’s examine the foundation of Mission Adventures. Let’s go back to the Word of the Lord that defines our Network. Let’s look at the MA Outcome Statement in light of our current circumstances. Let’s ask ourselves, “How can we still create outcomes like this, even if we can’t travel or be face-to-face?”
We Hear More Voices: Already, God is speaking through several of us in the Mission Adventures Network about how to respond. We’ll email weekly and we will create posts here on the Insider to inspire us and encourage us to be fruitful. Sign up on the Insider email list, and check this site often.
We Will Zoom-Storm: Plans are underway to enable us to work together to create meaningful and strategic ministries for our participants. We’ll gather online via Zoom to wait on the Lord, to brainstorm, and to reimagine Mission Adventures. We will repurpose our awesome themes for digital experiences. Dates and times are to be determined. Sign up below to be notified.
Finally, by the end of May, I believe we will begin to co-create with God. We’ll create tools, resources, and ministries based on what he’s been speaking to us. My hope is that we’ll be able to share what we make with each other in the Network, and that many students will be encouraged, challenged, and even changed.