Let’s Rethink Safety for Students as We Go Online
I came across this post by Robert Showers, a lawyer here in the U.S. that has often advised YWAM on best practices. It’s a great reminder to create safety online, just like we do when we are face-to-face.Here’s a quote from Mr. Showers:
“The explosion of digital media and social media in the last decade is both a blessing and a curse for churches and ministries. It provides an instantaneous ability to communicate to your members, the local community, and the world at large. Conversely, it also may a temptation for individuals to make statements that are inappropriate, immoral, harassing, and potentially illegal because they think they are “invisible” behind the screen of their computer or smartphone. As to youth/children ministry online, social distancing has limited inappropriate physical contact but increased significantly inappropriate online communication leading to child abuse, especially in the “grooming process”.”
I encourage you to read through the rest of the article, there’s lots of great stuff in there.