Have you heard about the forced evictions that are happening in Cambodia? Basically, the Cambodian government sells land to foreign corporations, when that land rightfully belongs to the poor. In 2007, a block of land belonging to 1500 poor families was taken, and the people were forcefully moved to a rural area 20 kilometres aways from their homes, schools, and jobs. Life as they knew it would never be the same.
Some truly amazing Cambodian YWAM missionaries decided to partner with this community. When we first starting visiting them with our Mission Adventures teams in 2008, the local people were living in horrible, dirty and crowded conditions. There was the constant threat that families would sell their kids to pay off debts. The next year that we visited, our friends from YWAM were educating families and helping to provide schooling. The year after that, kids were reguarly attending school. And every year after that we have seen growth in the areas of community healthcare, discipleship and housing.
Now, we are honoured to play a large role in the next vital step of providing sustainable employment. Together, we have set up a sewing training and production centre in the community. We are currently employing five local women who are producing a beautiful range of fair trade designer clothing. Each women receives holistic training, fair wages with matched savings, and an amazing work environment.
You… our Mission Adventures family… can get involved!
Through a Kickstarter campaign, we are raising funds for the sewing centre. And in return for every pledge made, donors can select a reward from the clothing range produced by the team in Cambodia! We have until 27 August 2014 to raise a minimum of NZD $10,000 (about USD $8,000). We’d love to not only reach our goal, but exceed it! Would you take the time to visit our Kickstarter campaign, have a read, and consider sharing the link with people that you know? It would truly be a huge help and encouragement to us. Or make a pledge of your own to receive some new clothing… and you will look good while helping people.