Not Just for Adults

Below is a story from Youth Pastor who brought his group to us this summer…

Austin, one of the youth, and I were walking back to meet up with everyone after doing Survey Sweep. Walking down the boardwalk we saw this lady, who was in a wheelchair, and her caretaker. We decided ‘why not talk to one more person’ and just went up and started talking. We found out that her caretaker, is her husband and a local pastor in downtown Orlando. His brother happened to be there as well, visiting from Puerto Rico. We were telling them about what we were doing when the Pastor stopped us and asked us to tell his brother about the gospel with him as the translator for us. So we did. 
Afterward the pastor asked his brother is he understood and if this was something he wanted to commit to, a life with Christ, and he said yes! So the Pastor turned back to us and asked us to walk his brother through the confession of faith with him. It was amazing that God showed up after we thought we were down with ministry and used us to help a Pastor bring his brother into a relationship with the Lord.
Having a student with me was even better than just doing it myself. Hopefully it showed him that it’s not just something for adults, but he as well has the chance to talk to people and lead them to Christ.

- Heath Clark, Youth Pastor in Ohio