God Transforms Lives

We just started our first week of #MissionAdventures for this summer! We had an amazing first day. Our team of 15 students and leaders from Grace Church of Mohemet in Illinois arrived around 1:30 PM (PST) after travelling since 3:00 AM (CST). They got situated into their rooms and then after a very brief “don’t drink the water” orientation, they hit the ground running.

They joined our full-time missionaries and training students for a ministry called Zone Kids.  Zone Kids is a ministry that a few of our missionaries started a few years ago after studying about Children at Risk.  Zone Kids focuses on the children and families living in the Red Light District of Tijuana, MEX by sharing the Love of God with them through games, crafts and Bible stories. 

One of the highlights of the Zone Kids Ministry is the Prayer Walk.  Missionaries, students and teams walk around a designated area to pray for the neighborhood, invite people to experience God’s love making connections with Zone Kids and handing out small trinkets like bars of soap or tooth brushes.  As our Mission Adventures students were walking around praying for the community, they had an encounter that changed the course of their expectations.  In the words of one of our missionaries, Michelle Sharrow, “We intercepted a man on the street about to buy some drugs & he ended up giving His life to Jesus! Pray that God continues doing miracles in the lives of the people we’re serving as well as the youth that are here expecting to be transformed from the inside out.”

1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

We firmly believe that these high school students were exactly where they were supposed to be for this encounter and were able to stand strong, setting an example to this young man in their words, conduct, love, spirit, faith & purity.  Praise the Lord! We can’t wait to see what else He has in store.

#ywamsdm #ywamsdb #GodTransformsLives

Photo Credit: Michelle Sharrow