This past month we ran our first Missions Exposure, weekend mission trips for youth teams, here at YWAM Orlando. Below are some thoughts and a story from one of our staff.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22: 36-40.
This is what I got to witness while working with the youth this past weekend. They brought refreshment to us. Something the Lord has been teaching me, is that we are ALWAYS students in His army. I walked away learning from them! One particular student, Rodney, was a big part on teaching me to love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind.
Rodney and I ended up partnered together for one of our times doing street evangelism. Our task was to compliment ten people. As we were walking, he stoped and complimented a man, who happened to be a believer and as we engaged in conversation, this particular man challenged him, asking him questions such as; “Why do you love the Lord? and do you really love the Lord?”. Rodney’s answer was beautiful, with clarity, humility, and confidence he said, “Yes sir, I love the Lord very much.” He told his story about his family as well. Seeing how genuine his heart was while answering his question was simply beautiful to witness. The purity in Rodneys heart and his love for Jesus was obvious.
Rodneys youth group had never done evangelism this particular way before and watching him walk out in boldness was so sweet! We were simply pulling random task, that exemplify Gods love, out of an envelope and trying to complete them. During our task of complimenting 10 people we prayed and asked the Lord who we could compliment and shortly after we encountered a women who was looking at her cellphone. Rodney went up to her and told her she was beautiful; she was so excited, she commented that it made her day!
That same evening, Rob Francis, one of our YWAM Orlando staff, shared about missions and really laying down our lives to serve him. After he shared, Rob had an alter call asking the students to trust God for their future in reaching those who are not reached. Rodney went up to the front with a few other students! He sat down next to me, I smiled at him, and he told me he was called to Vietnam. I was and still am amazed at how God is moving through him, a youth who is understading Gods heart for the lost.
It was incredible to be a tiny speck of witnessing what God has in store for this young persons life.
- Anonymous, YWAM Orlando Staff