Hey guys,
It is almost that time for WAVES North America! I am super stoked for our time together and trust the Lord is going to blow us away with some awesome things. Anyway, WE NEED YOUR ARRIVAL INFO!!! Please look below at when our airport runs will be. If you are arriving in between times, than plan on just chilling in the Portland airport for a few hours. Please email your arrival info to missionadventures@ywamsalem.org ASAP if you have not already.
ARRIVAL INFO FOR YOUR STAFF WHO ARE COMING: We have 2 shuttle runs on the 7th at 10:00am and 3:00 pm. Arrive accordingly to make one of those trips. On the 11th for departure we have 2 shuttles at 7:00 am and 12:00pm leaving to Portland. Plan accrodingly to these times please.