Several years ago, I heard Darlene Cunningham give a message about the many YWAM meetings we have around the world. She was talking about the meeting-fatigue we can get when we have so many different seminars, conferences and gatherings to attend. It seems like, now that YWAM is so huge, we could literally spend all our time flying around the world from meeting to meeting.
She was also addressing the idea that sometimes a leader will call a meeting and many of us choose not to go because we already have too many meetings, or because we spent some money on another meeting. She provoked us to look first to the Lord before we check our schedule or our wallet. For me this was really convicting because, frankly, I didn’t really like meetings, and would often choose which meetings I attended this way.
Darlene then spent a few minutes telling us some great stories from early YWAM gatherings and what they learned. It seems that since the beginning of the mission, God anoints our time together. It seems that ever since the early days and up ’till now, God speaks to us when we are together. There’s something about being together that God uses to release a greater sense of His presence and a greater understand of the Word of the Lord.
This has changed how I view YWAM Meetings, and how I choose which ones I attend. When I get invited to attend a meeting, I go straight to the Lord and ask Him if this is for me, my wife, or my family. It doesn’t matter what’s on my calendar, because the Lord directs my steps. It doesn’t matter what’s in my wallet, because God is my supply.
And this is why I am so excited for WAVES. We gather because God will meet with us. We gather because, when we are together there is a blessing and an anointing for understanding his Word. I expect that in our time together in Salem, there will be a fresh release for us. I think it will be something that inspires us, and even empowers us to do what God is calling us to do.
So in the next days, ask the Lord to speak. Be in prayer for your ministry and ask him to fill you with everything you need to accomplish the purposes he has for you. Our time together will be special and amazing because we are the people of God, and because our God will meet us!