The Inimitable Matt DawsonHow Can I Help You?
It’s amazing how powerful these five words are. These words can start relationships, and new ministries can be launched just by asking this simple question.
Yesterday I got an email newsletter from my friend Matt Dawson. He’s a YWAM leader in Tauranga, New Zealand. I was super encouraged to read what’s up with Matt and his family, (there’s a baby on the way!) But one part of his newsletter really got me excited:
“Last year we asked local youth pastors how YWAM could serve them and most expressed that they needed help in training their young leaders So twice in 2011 we invited youth pastors to bring their student leaders to a full day of training on leading like Jesus, worship leading, mentoring, and moving in the gifts of the Spirit. Both times we had over ten youth pastors and sixty of their youth leaders come along. So we’re going to continue growing in that initiative this year with more training days and a wider variety of workshops. It creates a place for youth groups to come together and share their strengths with one another. The emphasis is on Jesus, not our own individual ministries.”
I seriously love this. You know what I love most about it? It’s the fact that they asked youth workers how YWAM could serve them. I love how honoring it is to actually take some time to ask and understand what it is youth workers need from us. I wonder what would happen if you asked the youth workers in your community how YWAM could help them…
So, how can I help you? Contact me and let me know.