How Vegas Did It

Three Baptized at YWAM Las Vegas

As you may recall, YWAM Las Vegas had the most views of any Profile page on our site during the month of February. If you’ve been following along, you may also remember that YWAM Salem has had the most visited profile for several months now. I asked Beth Konrath in Vegas if they had done something special to drive those big numbers. Beth writes:

Hello from Las Vegas! We just completed our first week of MA with 52 students, and 3 more weeks of teams to go!! God did amazing things (no surprise there…) in the hearts of our students and on the streets of Las Vegas. At the end of the week, Rich and I even got to baptize 3 of our students. And to think this is only the start to our spring!!

Craig asked me to post about how we got tons of views on our Las Vegas MA page this past month. Here’s a couple of things that I did to drive up traffic.


  1. Utilize other staff that you have on base! I sent an email out to all of our staff asking them to post the link to our page on their Facebook/Twitter/etc. and a short sentence about MA like: “Awesome missions trip in Las Vegas, come be a part of what God is doing” or something along those lines. I often post the link on my Facebook too, inviting past students to join us again. 
  2. Utilize connections you have with past MA team youth pastors/leaders. I sent an email to all of the youth pastors/leaders we had in the past year or two, asking them to post the link on their Facebook/Twitter along with a short sentence that recommends us to their friends. Something like, “Great missions trip we went on last year! Life changing trip.”
  3. Get youth pastors info from YWAM staff/summer staff. I asked our staff to think of youth groups that they know or have connections with, (like their home church), that they could talk to about MA. It’s great to promote to people that you have relationships with or that other people have relationships with. 


So in short form, I got other people to promote for me! Not only are you promoting your base’s MA, but other bases get promoted too!. There are probably youth pastors out there that have been linked to Vegas MA, but don’t want to bring their students to Vegas. They can easily be linked to other locations that are more suitable for their groups needs, and still get the quality of the Mission Adventures program!

I hope this helps and gives you a few more ideas of how you can promote Mission Adventures! Happy Promoting!! :-)


I love that Beth pointed out that when she promotes YWAM Vegas on the site, that she’s actually promoting all of us. This is the power of Networking. Your efforts help you, but they also help your partners. 

I think Beth’s ideas are great, and I’m stoked to see that they worked so well for YWAM Las Vegas. What are you going to do in the next week to promote your Mission Adventures ministry?