If February Had 3 More Days, January Would Have to Watch Out!In February, 1,320 Visitors Viewed 5,699 Pages
We’ve had another great month on MissionAdventures.net, friends. Even though it was a short month, we had well over a thousand visitors. This is great news, that even this late into the recruiting season we’re seeing a lot of interest in our site. The average number of visitors we see per month is just over 1,100, so February was great!
We Have A New Champion
And it’s Vegas by 18 Page Views!For months, YWAM Salem has seen the most activity on their Profile Page. When we launched the site, I thought it was a fluke, but when it continued, I realized that the guys in Oregon were being intentional about driving traffic to their page. You can even read about it here and here. But today, I’m shocked and a little bit pleased that another partner has risen to the challenge. Congratulations YWAM Las Vegas for having the most page views on the site in February! I hope to hear from Beth and the crew in L.V. later this week to learn how they did it… But right now they’re hosting their first Spring Break outreach of 2011, so stay tuned!
Some Quick Reminders
Remember, MA News stories can really drive traffic to your pages. In the last few weeks I’ve written a couple of posts that can help you create interest in your outreaches. If you haven’t already take a gander at:
How To Write a Brilliant MA News Article, and
Three Easy Steps to Documenting Your Outreach.
Both of these articles are full of tips, tricks, and best practices to help you promote the amazing ministry God has given you to lead. Please note that the last MA News article was posted 12 days ago already, so here’s an opportunity for you to put up some fresh, hot content that can create interest in your ministry!
~ Craig