We’re in C.A.W.’s Catalog!Sometime last week a really big truck pulled up to the bustling post office of Salem Oregon. The workers there unloaded box after box of the fantabulous new Church Art Works Spring/Summer 2011 Catalog. Then the delivery experts at the USPS made sure that these catalogs made their way to the mailboxes of over 142,000 pastors, youth ministers all across the continent. Let me write that number out for you, one hundred forty-two thousand. Wow, that’s a big number.
Okay, so a lot of ministries mail out catalogs, but few of them have a proven mailing list this size. And no other ministry has included a Mission Adventures ad inside. That’s right, the fine folks at Church Art Works have featured us as one of their partners. Not only is this a nice endorsement, but it puts our name in front of a whole lot of churches and youth workers. Way more than you or me could ever hope to reach. So, in a word, I am stoked!
Our Logo Is on the Cover of 142K Catalogs!But wait—there’s more! They even put our logo on the front cover of the catalog. You can barely see it in this photo I took with my old iPhone, but it’s there—big as life. And not only that, we’re featured on the front page of the C.A.W. web site as well. They see some pretty insane traffic numbers, I’m guessing it’s at least 50 times the size of ours. So we are getting some serious exposure.
I’m telling you this for a couple reasons:
- I want you to know that we’re working as hard as we can on your behalf to get your ministry in front of a lot of pastors and youth workers.
- I want this to scare you into making sure your Profile page, & your Outreach posts are up to date.
- I want this to inspire you to write and post an MA News article to encourage these new contacts to check out the good work you and Jesus are doing with MA.
Finally, this all came about because of relationship. We’ve worked with C.A.W. for our MA tees for a number of years now. They’ve become more than vendors for us. They really are partners, it’s not just some marketing mumbo-jumbo. It really is a sincere statement. They’ve helped us, they’re looking out for us, and they gave us an opportunity to promote your ministry. So hat’s off to relationship, to partnership, and to the fine folks at Church Art Works.