Introducing the JH&MS Bug

I just inked a deal with the fine folks at Stuck In The Middle, a ministry for Junior High and Middle School students, their parents and their youth workers. Sean Meade, Stuck’s founder, actually did a Mission Adventures outreach to Tijuana way back when he was a student. (You can read more about that here on my personal blog.)

The deal is this: We’re placing this ad in the 24-page books that Stuck distributes at their events.

This Ad will be seen by the 3,000 people at Stuck In the Middle events—yay!
Between now and April, around 3,000 of these booklets will be distributed at the four Stuck events around the continent. That means lots of Junior High and Middle School youth workers are going to be interested in a Mission Adventures outreach.

What a beautiful splat! And that typography is to die for!While I was working on this ad, I had a little conversation withy myself. It went like this: I thought to myself, “Self, how can we help these guys find the outreaches that would work well for their younger kids?” Then myself had a great idea, “What if we make a little graphic bug that our partners could put on their outreach posts? That way, youth workers could see at a glance which outreaches are Junior High and Middle School friendly!” I then bought myself a Coca Cola because he came up with such a good idea.

Here’s the Bug
You can place this ‘bug’ on your Outreach posts to show that your outreach is suitable for younger teens. The big splat image is enlarged quite a bit so you can get a gander at that high quality splat and the typographic wizardry used to make it amazing! The smaller one is the real deal, actual size with the right color background for the New

Right Click Me!  
You can right click that bad boy right now and download it to your computer… Or you can go to and login and locate it in the General Storage area. Look for “JH&MS-Bug.gif” in the alphabetical list. Check out how they’re already there for the Ensenada and Tijuana outreaches in the Americas Outreaches.

Need help? Just give me a shout.