Triumph of the Nerds
I’m feeling rather nerdy today, (or is it geeky?), as I have successfully installed Facebook ‘Like’ and Twitter ‘Tweet’ buttons on the Outreach journals of our site. If you’ve been surfing the webtubes at all lately, you’ve probably noticed these fancy little buttons cropping up like some sort of algae bloom in the Pacific. These cool little blobs of color are a couple more ways for your outreach to get noticed among a wider audience.
How ‘Like’ Works
When some one clicks a ‘Like’ button it updates the little number next to the thumbs up icon and adds a line like this on the clicker’s Facebook wall:
Then, all their friends can see what the clicker liked and even click on the link to go right to that page. What a handy way to drive traffic! And it’s super easy too… the clicker just clicks, and that’s it, there’s no work involved, no typing no nothing, just pure Clicky-Like-Ness.™
How ‘Tweet’ Works
When someone clicks the ‘Tweet’ button, it updates the little number, and opens a window like this:
The ‘Tweet’ button is more involved than ‘Like’ but it’s also more powerful. (It’s a lot like the Social Share button you’ll find below each of your Outreach posts.) The clicker can just click Tweet, (after signing in if they’re not signed in to Twitter already), or they have the option to type out 85 more characters about how awesome your Outreach is… When they do it looks like this on their page:
So all the Clicker’s Twitter followers can see the tweet and click back to your Outreach… Pretty awesome hey?!
And remember, there’s No Rule Against Liking & Tweeting Your Own Posts!