Spotlight On: Social Sharing

Let’s Get Social
The New has tons of built-in features that can help us build relationships with youth workers. As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve got comments on every Outreach and News entry. We’ve got RSS feeds and an eMail Newsletter. Today let’s explore the small but powerful Share Article feature of our site.

A Typical Outreach Entry
Here’s a screenshot of YWAM Salem’s Outreach entry for their trip to Portland. (By the way, notice that great photo, the use of Tags, and a spiffy link to their Profile page—way to go Salem!) As you can see, I’ve darkened the image except for one little area below where it says, “Share Article.”

Aaah, Portland* It’s the weirdest city in the west. Somehow I feel like I fit in there… wonder why…
When a user clicks on that link, a little popout window appears and it’s absolutely filled with icons for nearly every social network known to man or talking beast with the ability to type:

 Seriously, that’s a loooot of social sharing!
Are You Feeling Tingly Yet?
So why is this a big hairy deal? This allows every visitor to share your Outreach to everyone in their social network! If you don’t think this kind of sharing can be powerful, let me show you an example. Behold the mighty power of the social:

Thank you Philter, for the link to this!
Seriously, do you think we’d all have Bieber Fever™ if there wasn’t such a thing as social sharing? This Canadian kid absolutely blew up on the YouTube when pre-teen girls heard his angelic voice claiming that he’s fallen in love for the first time, (or something like that).

The Bottom Line
It’s no shame to promote your Outreaches and your MA News posts. So every time you post something to the new, click that little Share Article button and promote it on your own social networks. Don’t stop there. Go ahead and ask your staff, your friends, and your grandma to share it too… The wider the audience that hears about your opportunities, the better. So go on, get all social already!

*And since I love the picture of Portland so much, I’ve shared this outreach with my network of friends on Facebook. If we’re not friends already, we should be, so send me a request and you’ll be able to see what I share!