It Was A Year Ago…

365 Amazing Days of

It’s hard to believe, but it was a year ago this week when we officially launched this web site. And what a year it’s been. I’m so pleased to report to you that in the last year we’ve had well over 13,000 people visit our site—an average of nearly 1,200 per month or around 40 per day! They viewed more than 60,000 pages—that’s over 5,000 per month! 

This means that your base profile, and your outreaches have been exposed to a wider audience than you could ever manage yourself. This is because we all worked together to create great content for our site and keep people coming back. So if you ever posted an MA News story, or if you ever updated your Base Profile, or if you ever posted an Outreach Destination, you helped us all raise a big banner about what God is doing among us in Mission Adventures around the world—this is the power of the Network. Thank you!

Let’s Press On! Update Your Outreach Posts
So let’s not give up doing good! Now is a great time to take a look at each of your Outreach posts. Is the information on them still current? If not, please update them right away—already the people on our site are looking for opportunities for 2012. If you don’t have next year’s info on your posts, they will pass you by and choose another outreach! 

Keep Going! Create New MA News Stories
I know you had some amazing experiences with your teams this summer. Tell the whole world about it by posting an amazing MA News story—in this way you can inspire teams to come with you on your outreaches next year. I’ve posted a couple of articles on the MA Insider to help you, so check these out:

How to Write A Brilliant MA News Article

Three Easy Steps to Document Your Outreaches

I’m so stoked about what God has done in this last year, and I know he wants us to reach even more pastors and youth workers in the next year. So pray with me for more!