October 17-21, 2011 | San Diego, California
That’s right, mark your calendar and book your ticket for sunny San Diego! It’s time for the craziest of the crazy Mission Adventures events—the Theme Extravaganza! Here are the details:
- Who: Mission Adventures Leaders and Staff
- What: Inter-Storming for the 2012 MA Theme (i.e. prayer/intercession/branistorming)
- When: From 2:00 p.m. October 17th through lunch on the 21st
- Where: Craig’s House* and the Mission Adventures Network Studio
- Why: To Co-Create the 2012 Theme with God!
The cost is still to be determined. The goal is to keep it to less than $75 for food, housing and ground transport. Stay tuned!
Space is Limited So Contact Me Today to Reserve Your Spot!
*Bring your suit—we have a neighborhood pool and hot tub!