Fifty YWAMers from sixteen bases in eleven nations came together at YWAM Tijuana May 2-6, for our bi-annual WAVES Gathering. For four days we heard incredible teaching, worshipped God and enjoyed one another’s presence. Here are a few highlights:

YWAM Tijuana Del MarYWAM Tijuana: The new campus in Tijuana is amazing! It felt like we were staying at a hotel or a resort. The beds were comfy, the food was out of this world, (thanks Denton and crew!), and all the staff worked hard to make sure we were well-cared for.

Worship: Giezi Niño and Dina Diaz from YWAM Tijuana joined with Troy Smith from Temecula, CA to lead us into the throne room. And our favorite Norwegian djembe player, Ingvar Olsen kept the rhythm too. Our times of singing were really sweet. I won’t soon forget belting out the chorus to Enough after the speaker asked, “If you were on a deserted island for the rest of your life, would it be enough for you to just have me?” 

Amazing Teaching: We invited Andy Byrd from YWAM Kona to be our keynote speaker. Andy developed the Fire and Fragrance DTS there in Hawaii and he really inspired us to press into Jesus as we prepare for the teams to come. It was God-ordained to have Andy with us. He has a unique view into the students that are coming to DTS, and his perspective helps us understand the kids that are coming to our Mission Adventures outreaches. He shared with us that a few years ago he saw a dramatic change in the students that arrived for DTS. They were a broken generation—a generation wounded by such intense immorality. But at the same time, they are a hungry generation—they want a raw encounter with a real God. This intensity marks a change in generations, and as we prepare for our Mission Adventures outreaches this season, we can keep this in mind and make a way for these kids to be in the presence of God.

Ingvar Rockin’ the DjembeChocolate Cake: A few years back, Andy went through an intense time of questioning. When he looked at his life and ministry he realized that even though he could write a great newsletter, his life didn’t really look like the book of Acts. There’s go to be more! This godly disatisfaction led him to an important discovery. No longer would he seek God so that he could have a great ministry—he would just seek God so that he could know Him and be known by Him. He realized that being a friend of God is the entire aim of life, and that God was inviting him to know Him more—like an invitation to have more chocolate cake!

Field Notes in Action!Breakthrough: All week, I had the impression that God wanted to lead us in a breakthrough together. I wrote in my Field Notes journal, “We need to get past this social boundary that doesn’t let us express ourselves before God. I think for us to receive the full impartation from the Lord, he’s asking us to go past our comfort zone…” This breakthrough came when Andy challenged our unbelief, our unkind words, and our fleshly desires, calling them little foxes that are spoiling the vineyard. I was shocked that I could identify with so many of these sins! And when Andy challenged us to stand to our feet and confess our sin and hunt down these foxes, I don’t think I’ve ever had a better time repenting before God and others! Seriously, it was a joy to agree with God that I need to change, and that with His help, I can. 

Uncle Dave Doin’ the Madagascar DanceUncle Dave: Our good friend, Dave Stone blew our minds in generosity. I lost track of the number of iPods he gave away. Who can forget the moment when he gave Masha an iPod touch? And when the iPad 2 came out of the bag, I think no one in the room dared to breathe! I love how God uses Uncle Dave to show the extravagant love of Jesus. Dave’s stories from Afghanistan and how God is using him in the sphere of business are such an encouragement to me, and an indication that we really are in this fourth wave of missions. I’m so excited that the kids we serve will enter the different spheres of society and express God’s kingdom, just like Uncle Dave.

Marty Meyer: Marty’s message meshed so well with Andy’s teaching. Marty described to us that as he listened to Andy, it became clear to him that God had given him some application to Andy’s teaching. So it was fitting that the last message of the week turned out to be such a great wrap up. Marty took Andy’s intense messages and helped us put a handle on it. His question, “What will you do differently to cultivate intimacy with God?” helped me process what I’ve learned, and I’m already putting these things into practice. 

We Gather to Receive an Impartation: In summary, I think this WAVES Gathering was about impartation. While we did do some tangible teaching of how to do Mission Adventures, I think God wanted to give us “Jesus-juice,” an impartation of His Spirit so that we can do what he’s calling us to do. As we pursue him, I think we’ll find everything we need to be successful at Mission Adventures. Here’s the secret to creating a world-class Mission Adventures ministry: follow Jesus. That’s it. Follow him with an intensity that says you’ll become like him as you lose yourself for him. 

Next WAVES: Mark your calendar and plan to be there, because the next International WAVES Gathering will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! April 16-20, 2013. Soon you’ll hear from Mission Adventures Leaders about a regional Gathering for you in 2012! Stay tuned!