We have ... HAD no teams

My exact words only months ago; We have no teams. I was frustrated, I felt like we had done everything known to man to promote Mission Adventures Las Vegas. We went to both Youth Specialties, contacted past teams, did cold calls, send out fliers … pretty much everything. Yet, as I looked at our summer calendar, we had only a hand full of teams. I was at the point where I didn’t even see the point in recruiting for summer staff if we weren’t even going to have a summer!

I couldn’t figure it out; why no one wanted to come to Las Vegas. I pondered how we did promotion differently last year to get teams. I was suddenly reminded of all the times that we as MA staff at our base had prayed and fasted for teams. Somehow in the busyness of everything this year, it didn’t become a priority. I had realized that I was relying on my own strength and my own ways to get students.

I spent some time in prayer, begging God to give us teams. During this prayer time, I fully and confidently put my trust in God; that HE would provide the teams for the summer, and that I wanted to partner with God in bringing in teams rather than doing it by myself. Doing it alone was obviously not working!!

God quickly answered our prayers and youth pastors starting calling and emailing me out of nowhere! It was insane, and still is. I’m continually amazed at how God has provided us with teams. As hard as it was to be in a place where we had no teams and not knowing what the summer was going to look like, it’s worth it. God gets so much glory from this! I can’t take credit for any of the teams that have signed up for the summer; it’s all God. And I’m more than willing to give God ALL the GLORY for it.

Hope this encourages you, if you are finding yourself in the same place as we were just a month or two ago.

I now say “We had no teams” because God has provided!

[See you at WAVES!! :) ]
