Dear YWAMer and/or Mission Adventures Lover;
I sent this via email a few weeks ago but it seems that some of you may not have received this invitation so I will post it here just in case.
We have sought the Lord for our theme for 2012 and now we are moving forward in our next steps in bringing what the Lord has spoken into existence for our 2012 Mission Adventures students. As you know, each year we publish a journal for each of the students that include quiet time devotionals as well as amazing articles about what God is speaking around the world.
Here is where you come in. We would LOVE for you guys to write an article to be included with our journal.
You can find the theme statement here loaded with all the information about our theme and all the wonderful things we got from it as we were praying.
If you guys are interested, please have the article back to me (can send via either facebook (Sheril Brasher) or NO LATER THAN November 25, 2011. It should be about 500 words and should also include a brief bio and picture (will be printed small so a close-up of your face would be best).
Topics that we had discussed were:
Be vs Do (Mary & Martha)
Loving God
Service to Others
But as you read through our theme statement and the theme verse, please follow the Lord’s leading on what He would like you to speak to the students.
We are also going through the books of Luke & 1 John as part of our daily devotions.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, let me know if you think you can do this. Thank you so very much for your contribution in the past years to our Mission Adventures students around the world.
Sheril Brasher, YWAM San Diego/Baja