Brazil....I accept this challenge laid before us!!

As I read Craig’s post about the MA annointing possibly switching to Brazil, it left me with two feelings.  The first was joy at what God is doing with our MA family in Brazil.  What a testimony, and I love their pioneering spirit, and their zeal to see more kids in missions. They challenge me to believe in a big God.  Hats off to all you Brazilian peeps! For all the rest of the MA tribe…we better pay attention to what is making MA explode there.  The second feeling I got was one of we will call it “protective belief” in the spirit of “friendly competition”.  I took it personal to be honest.  A challenge. A call to MA North America to step up.  I thrive on competition….when it is fueled by the move of God I thrive on it even more! And I think this is how we need to see this.  MA North America, will we rise to the awesome example and challenge set before us by our Brazilian friends?  Will we learn from them, and utilize those lessons to see MA explode in North America?  I don’t know about all you other MA North America peeps…..but to Gustavo and his MA peeps in Brazil…I accept with joy the challenge of seeing who can see more kids being sent on short term mission trips this next year!!  Bring it on!!  Love you guys, and lets have a blast serving the King together, and thank you Brazil for stirring the pot and putting a flame under our butts.