Get Published! (& encourgage students!)

Here’s your opportunity to write something that thousands of Mission Adventures students will read in our 2012 devotional book!!

The theme for Mission Adventures in 2012 is “The Basics; Love God, Love Others”. Our theme verse is Luke 10:27 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” We will be walking through the book of Luke and 1 John with our students.

This year devos can be UP TO, but not exceeding 200 words. We want to engage the students and get them thinking, so along with the devo write 3 questions in response to the devotional. Make it short and invoking. It doesn’t have to cover the whole chapter, or necessarily relate to the theme (but if it does, GREAT!). We want to get a thought started in the students head but not finish it for them. That’s what the questions are for. Some ideas for questions are: “What is God speaking to you about this passage?”, “How can you apply this in your own life?” etc.

We want to encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and speak to you as you prepare your devotional.

All devotionals are due BY Wednesday, November 16th, 2011. Please have them submitted before then. Once I have received your devo, I will then send you the information that I need for your bio blurb.

If you’re interested, please send an email to bethk(at) and I can send you a list of available chapters and you can sign up for one. Thanks again for your help.