YWAM Salem's Secret Sauce

I can’t tell you where I got this recipe, but his name rhymes with Dig Bike Kersaucy. It just showed up in my inbox this morning. Our tests confirm that it is indeed the secret sauce YWAM Salem has been using to kick your butt behind in page views. Feel free to borrow from this list and add more ideas in the comments.


  • Make sure the Profile page has up to date information. 
  • Have a promo video—the people like the moving pictures!
  • Post on the MA News section, with links back to your Profile page
  • Put a link to the profile page in your Email Signature. [Brilliant! I hadn’t thought of that–Ed.]
  • Tell your contacts about the site, and give them the link!


So there you have it, the secret to YWAM Salem’s success. As you know, this information could be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands.