It’s not the Swiss Alps, It’s Our Daily Traffic
In October we served 4,832 pages to 935 Visitors.
This is a marginal drop from September’s numbers. To be honest, I’m surprised that we didn’t see an increase. But I am encouraged to see that nearly a thousand youth workers visited our site and learned about our ministry.
The Surge Is in Effect
As you can see in the image above, we’re seeing a midweek surge most weeks. It seems most youth workers are visiting the site in the middle of the week. So it makes sense for you to post your MA News articles, new Outreaches and update your Profile early in the week to maximize the number of youth workers that will see it.
15% of Our Traffic Comes via Facebook
The Importance of Being Social
Besides showing that you’re a well-adjusted individual in society, being social can really help you get more traffic. Around 15% of the folks that come to the site come by clicking a link they saw on Facebook. Another 5% are coming from Twitter. Nearly 10% are clicking on a link they got in an email. Add in another 5% from the MA News mailing list (that’s the category above), and more than a third of our traffic comes through social networking.
The cool thing is, I’m only seeing a few of us use the site’s social networking tools. Imagine what it would be like if we all started to Like and Tweet and Share about our Outreaches and MA News stories? These stats are proof that these things help bring people to our site, so if you haven’t already, get social! Together we can help each other expose our ministries to more people.
Look Who’s Kicking Your Behind!What’s Up With YWAM Salem?
In August, I thought it made sense. In September I thought it was a fluke. After October I didn’t know what to think so I finally had to ask,
Why is YWAM Salem’s Profile Always the Most Viewed Page?
Seriously, these guys are seeing more hits each month than some whole categories on the site! (ie. MA News 165 views vs. YWAM Salem’s 169 views). I finally had to call Tim and ask him what he’s been doing. Here’s his response:
During the non-summer months, I look at the marketing of our MA program like I would a John Wayne film. Don’t stop reading this yet…there is some good stuff coming. Anyway, in John Wayne movies you always had the bartender guy who always carried a sawed off shotgun under his bar. Nobody messed with the bartenders in John Wayne movies. Why? Because they had the “scattergun.” If they shot that thing, it went everywhere. That is kind of how I view the MA network site and how it has worked for us. There are tons of churches out there that we will never come across in person or by phone, unless we use the “scattergun” and get the most amount of info we can out there, and hope people come across it. The other method, is the “six shooter.” When John Wayne used his six shooter he had a specific target in mind. This is more the local stuff we do. Taking pastors out to coffee continually, speaking at youth groups, doing training and evangelism with the groups in our area. This is a way more personal approach, and not as scattered as the “scattergun” method. Both target different crowds, and both are very effective. Using the network site gets us on the map, and the more we use it, the more chances are that youth pastors will come across it. I also think it is a great way to show these churches we are serious about what we do, and that we take pride in our ministry. If your not using the site, I beg you guys to do so. If you know me, you know I am not a tech guy AT ALL… but I have to admit and recognize that the network site has been a tremendous help in directing youth pastors to us so far. Be smart guys, and whip out the scattergun underneath your “bar of marketing” and see what it hits. See…what did I tell you….there is stuff still to be learned from John Wayne movies.
So there you have it, is a scattergun. Use it.