
Online Application Forms

I’m sure that there is someone else that is discovering all the benefits that the new-wide-world of the WEB is bringing us but I wanted to share with you something that we are just kicking off this week here at YWAM Townsville, Australia.

The new discovery: Online Application Forms!  You can even integrate them into your databases therefore making it super easy to document everything.  There are tons of great websites out there to help you out but the one that we went with is called Form Assembly.  It’s free and super user friendly it just takes a lot of trial and error and you can do it!

Feel free to take a look at what we’ve done with ours on our webpage (towards the bottom).  We are still in the trial stage so I can’t speak from a whole lot of experience but I can already see it already being a huge help!

Keep up the good work MA leaders! -Krystal