speaker packet

Speaker Notes!

Some of the 2015 MA Theme Teamers worked like crazy and put together some awesome Speaker Notes for this years theme: Unbound | Stand Up - Stand Out! These notes expand upon our theme and offer a guideline for your speaker for each session during your week. God spoke a LOT during the Theme Team and these notes help capture the breadth and depth of the theme by weaving in stories, images, and words that were received. 

A great way to use this resource is to develop your own Speaker Packet to send out to your speakers before they come. Not only will they get to know the theme, but they can learn more what to expect during a cycle of Mission Adventures.

Here are some things you can include in a Speaker Packet:


  • A Welcome Leader from the MA Leader
  • A copy of the Theme Statement 
  • A tentative week schedule highlighting when sessions will be
  • A page with some basic information about your base or history of MA at your location
  • The YWAM Foundational Values (especialy if your speaker is new to YWAM!)
  • The Speaker Notes



We have included an example Speaker Packet from MA in Ensenada, Mexico and hope you find it a helpful springboard for starting communication with your speakers. The packet is available in PDF and .pages - feel free to edit for your location. Below are also the speaker notes in both formats as well. 

Looking forward to all that God will say through our awesome speakers this year! 
