The Future of Evangelism in Mission Adventures

Remember dramas? Yeah, good times…

Remember dramas? Yeah, good times…

We've done dramas. We've done dances and puppets. We've used Evangecubes and, The Four Spiritual Laws tracts. We've even done gospel illusions.And frankly I think all these things have gotten a bit stale. We are overdue at taking our next steps in evangelism. It's time we develop something fresh.

I'm convinced it's time we learn to teach our students how to tell Bible stories.

Here's why:

Telling Stories is Better for Those Who Listen

  • Stories put our brains to work
  • Stories connect us with experience
  • Two-thirds of the world's population live in oral cultures
  • Three-quarters of the Bible is in narrative story form
  • Everyone responds to a good story

Telling Stories is Better for Those Who Tell Them

  • Telling stories is versatile; we can do it in any context
  • Telling stories is effective, even across language and culture barriers
  • Telling stories creates useful skills in our students
  • Telling stories can be done back home after outreach is over.

Want to know more? Here's a white paper filled with ideas and resources that can help you get started!

4.7 MB PDF File