Tuesday, February 16
Anders made a simple point during our morning devotion that resonated with us all. He said, “We tend to compare our weaknesses with others' strengths.” We recognized ourselves in this statement, even though we've been believers for many years. It kills us when we compare. It makes us feel as though we’re not enough, and that we’ll never be as good as those we compare ourselves to. It shuts us down from being confident in whom we are and causes us to shrink back. And we recognized that it's tempting for us to compare ourselves to one another. Anders went on to make the point that instead of comparing ourselves, we are designed to celebrate each other's gifts. And when we do that, we create room for one another. We build each other up, and we function like the full body.
~Kay Charlotte McClurg~
Wednesday, February 17
Today we discussed the topic of eldering, and how part of the role of elders is to come alongside one another and operate in unity. Almost instantly, we had the opportunity to put into practice what we were talking about. One of us is walking through a difficult leadership challenge. We prayed, gave counsel, and offered support and help. Not that these situations are the easiest, but it was amazing how we talked about a principal, and then had the opportunity to live it out.
~Mike Davies~