A Home of It's Own for the MA Insider

The Mission Adventures Insider blog has been a very popular feature of MissionAdventures.net. But now it's time for a home of it's own.

Here's a brief tour of the new Insider: 

It's very own address
The MA Insider has is a stand alone site with it's own URL now, www.ma-insider.net. Bookmark it!

Mobile friendly
If you ever navigated the old Insider with your phone, you know what a pain that was! Now the new Insider has mobile friendly features baked right in. 

All the old content
Everything below this post was originally published on the old Insider. It's all there, you haven't lost any of the amazing resources that have been contributed over the years.

Introducing MA 101
This brand new section brings our most important marketing, administrative and ministry resources in one easy to use place. 

Online Store!
Now you can purchase fabulous MA merch right here! We've created an extra special launch tee shirt that I know you're gonnu love. And to celebrate the launch of the new Insider we're taking 10% off!

Of course there's lots more to explore, so click around and see what you find. (If something is broken, or if you have ideas or feedback, be sure to contact me!)

If you haven't already, sign up on the MA Insider Email List. There's a form on the bottom of every page. 

