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It may seem ridiculous, but we have already created the hashtag for WAVES NA ‘14. While some of you may brush this off, saying you are too cool to hashtag, just remember that we know who you are.
Seriously though, I’m not a hashtag fanatic. However I have learned the value in using a few hashtags, especially when I’m attending an event. Who doesn’t love being able to find ALL the photos from every single person that instagrams at an event?! So let’s band together and hashtag this event out. Log this into the recesses of your mind for later and go register now if you haven’t! As you are registering/getting ready to come you could even use the hastag to let people know ;) #thisisreallyinadvance #weareontopofthings #imsoexcited #imjustdoingthistoannoysomepeople #ireallydoexpectyoutohastagatWAVES
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Side notes in reference to registering for WAVES NA:
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