Hey all, I am so thrilled to now be included in the MA network! We here at YWAM Boston just spent about 2 weeks with Mike and Rebekah Gervasi. They fully passed on the vision of Mission Adventures, we are so inspired and encouraged! One day during our training we got talking about data bases and admin stuff like such and I wanted to share an online data base YWAM Boston just started using this summer that has revolutionized how we log stuff!
The Website we are now using is called Batchbook.com. It is a wonderfully website that you can drag your already existing exel files into. You are able to create tags (i.e. supporters, salvations, mission adventures churches etc. )that help you group your contacts together in one place. My favorite part about the site is that it is accessible from any computer, from any person on staff, at any time. All you need is the login info. I trained about 5 of our staff in how to log on and upload contact information on the website and it has done wonders for us!
Say you are out doing an outreach with a Mission Adventure team in the 3rd week of August this year. You pray with people to recieve salvation, get their contact information, and now you can input it on batchbook! you creat a tag for the specific week of MA, including the exact place, time and team doing the outreach. You can customize the information log on a contact to be something like a contact card, then you input the person’s information that recieved salvation (i.e. name, phone, facebook, needs a bible etc.). Say you are working with a church who now wants that follow up information, you can just export all of the info (related to that outreach) as an exel file and give the digital copy to the church that wants it. Now you both can do follow up on the people who recieve salvation!
This site has a ton of applications and is just a huge blessing to our ministry here, and I thought some of you other MA-ers might find it useful! God Bless!
Aaron Reeves