7 Steps to Building Your MA Ministry

I know it’s Spring Break, and you might be in the middle of inspiring students with all that awesome All In gear I just shipped to you. But this was just to good to pass up.

I read a lotta blogs… And today I read this post by Scott Bourne on his Photofocus site. Of course, his post is about growing a photography business and not a Mission Adventures ministry… but I’m sure you’ll be able to translate it. 

And the advice he gives is actually pretty stellar. The only thing I’d change really is that I’d much rather use Squarespace than Blogger, and Mailchimp than Constant Contact.

To whet your appetite, I’ll leave you with my favorite piece of Scott’s advice: 

Own your own zip code. Don’t worry about taking over the world. Just try to make a big splash in your own zip code. Put a brochure or business card under the door of every business in your area. Meet people. Give free slide shows and photo talks in your neighborhood. Be known as the neighborhood photographer [Short-Term Outreach for Groups person—Editor.] before trying to be a big hit on the national circuit.

So go read his post already!