Hey everyone.  Just wanted to share a new trainign session we are doing with our students called “Evangelism in a Jar”.  Each student rotates between 5 stations, each station is about 20 minutes long.  The five stations covers the metaphors the Bible uses to describe what we as Christian are…they are Salt of the Earth, Letters of Christ, Ambassadors of Christ, Firmly Rooted Trees, and Stars of the Universe.  Each station is filled with interactive things getting the kids to focus more on their life as it relates to this.  For example, our Salt of the Earth on e is different foods that all have different salt components.  They then discuss what too much salt can do, not having enough, or having the perfect amount can do to food.  This is then related to our witness to others.  It’s a blast!!!  Please feel free to do this activity at your location, and allow yoru staff to go crazy with creativity!  God BLess.
