All In Prayer Station Resource

Lora at YWAM San Antonio Del Mar has been hard at work developing an event for your Mission Adventures program this year. It is essentially a series of prayer stations that your students can go through and have an encounter with Jesus. And not only has she been developing the event—she’s documented it and created resources so that you can do it too. Here’s what she’s created:

All In Prayer Stations Leader’s Guide
This is a six-page PDF with all the details on how to prepare the stations and how to incorporate them in your MA ministry. Lora, along with a couple of others on our team in Mexico have thought through everything and documented each step so that you can recreate this powerful experience for your students.

All In Printables
This is a fifteen-page PDF with all sorts of signage and other materials that you will use to guide your students through the prayer stations. Literally, everything is here for you to create an incredible time for your teams.

Click Here to Download this Awesome Resource

(1.9 MB .zip file)

But Wait, There’s More:

Identity Video
In addition, a video focused on identity has been produced. It’s powerful. I cried when I watched it. (I know I’m a softie…). The video has been posted on the excellent Vimeo web site where you can stream it or even download it. 

Click Here to View the Video on Vimeo

A huge thank you goes out to Lora and her team for creating such an excellent resource!