This is America’s Finest City, Site of the Next ¡Theme Thang!™
Save the Date!
We’re hosting the amazing ¡Theme Thang!™ event here in San Diego in late October. Mark your calendar:
Monday, October 29th through Thursday, November 1, 2012
We’ll meet from lunch on Monday through lunch on Thursday, so plan your travel accordingly. These four days will be action packed with all sorts of zany, goofy fun, but the focus will be on waiting on the Lord in intercession, and brainstorming the theme for 2013. And, you’ll notice that this year’s event happens over Halloween… Can you say, Costume Party?! I knew you could!
Rough Tentative Schedule:
Monday the 29th
The Day we Summarize What God is Saying in this Season
Morning: Arrival Time / Get Picked Up / Settle In
Afternoon: Chik-Fil-A Lunch (?) Late Arrivals / What’s Up with You? / What’s Up with Youth?
Evening: Dinner at McClurg’s
Tuesday the 30th
The Day we Determine the Theme Scripture
Morning: QT/Devo’s / Why Theme? / What Makes a Theme Great? / Wait on God
Afternoon: Scripture Search / Scripture Brainstorm / Summarize / Finalize
Evening: Dinner at McClurg’s / Hot Tub Time
Wednesday the 31st
The Day We Determine the Theme Phrase
Morning: QT/Devo’s/Wait on God/Brainstorm
Afternoon: Evaluate/Brainstorm/Evaluate/Mall Crawl (?)
Evening: Dinner at McClurg’s/Costume Party !?
Thursday the 1st
The Day We Determine Journal-Tee-Kit Ideas, & Our Jobs
Morning: QT Devos/Summarize/Finalize/Job Descriptions/Arts & Crafts (?)
Afternoon: Finish with Lunch/Head Home
How Much Would You Pay for All This?!
$50 will cover your meals, beverages, housing, airport pickup, and everything else.
What Should You Bring?
The aforementioned $50, clothes, a Bible, a camera, a costume for the costume party, oh and don’t forget your swimsuit! We’ll provide bedding and towels.
If you’re at all interested in being a part of this event, contact me right now, and I’ll put you on the list. Space is limited, so do not delay.