I just got an email from Jill in Vancouver. She writes:
We were looking to revamp our application and registration process, and I was wondering if you had any suggestions?
I’m so glad you asked, Jill! How does a comprehensive thirty-page manual sound? What if I throw in a package of 14 Microsoft Word and Excel files with examples for you? I figure, you too might be interested in these resources, so I’m posting them here for your pleasure.
The Art of the Registrar
Here’s an excerpt for you:
I sat at my desk by the window, glancing every so often at the sparkling parking lot littered with YWAM vans and cars. I was at the YWAM San Diego office, working at my computer in the registrar’s office. The phone rang. I lifted my finger to answer the phone on my wireless headset. I felt like a rockstar with that headset. I put the rockstar thoughts out of my mind and answered the phone.Registrar: Youth With A Mission, Amber speaking…Group Leader: Iʼm interested in taking my group on a mission trip. Can you tell me what you offer?
Click here to download The Art of the Registrar (1.1 MB PDF)
To go along with this document, we’ve created 14 Word and Excel documents that you can use to get started registering your own teams. In the archive you’ll find several example Invoices, Letters, a Master Schedule and a whole lot more.
Click here to download MA Registrar Files Archive (123 KB .zip)