*Notes from Luba Iilyn message *
Grow Dandelion & Go
Multiplication & Growth for Mission Adventures
by Luba Iilyn
Mark 4:20
Others like seed sown on good soil, hear the word and accept it, and produce crop thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.
I believe the Lord is saying you’ve had 30x’s and even 60x’s but are you ready for 100x’s? He is the one that does it. You are to be faithful with what He has given you.
When I took the time to think about a dandelion, I realized that it is a picture of multiplication. Each head can produce 100 or more seeds.
They are hardy plants, completely edible, medicinal, healthy and full of vitamin C and Iron. They are also often seen as weeds and grow in the most bizarre and inconvenient places. They grown in all 50 states, Canada … everywhere.
- 1 Peter 2:5
- Living stones. Being built into a spiritual house
- Everyone of you is at a different place of growth and stage of the building
- Isaiah 54:2-3
- Enlarge the place of your tent
- Think about the stories of multiplication in the Bible
- A boys lunch = feeds thousands
Fork in the road: Place of decision, a last chance
This will be another opportunity to hear for some.
Worldview will be changed and dismantled is possible for many youth who come through the ministry.
BUT … If our faith in God and who we are in Him is not secure we will easily falter under the pressure of the world.