E-WAVES Instagramming

Anders Myklebust, I-MALT Chairperson, Gets His Jump On in Rostrevor, Northern IrelandI had the awesome privilege of meeting up with our European partners in Rostrevor, Northern Ireland last week for the European WAVES Gathering. Around thirty YWAMers from seven nations came together for an amazing time of Worship, Application, Vision, Equipping and Sending. The keynote speaker was the USA’s very own Tim Walter. 

While I wasn’t able to stay for the entire event, I did manage to have some amazing experiences in Northern Ireland. Highlights for me included, an amazing sing-a-long at the local pub, a 10K run with the unstoppable Zhenya Shulgin, and Tim Walter’s amazing 12 point message from Acts 16 about why Mission Adventures is an incredible ministry. 

Several of us are Instagram geeks. (If you’re not familiar with Instagram, it’s a super-popular photo-sharing app for iOS and Android phones. Already 40 million people are using it… Are you? If so, follow me, my username is craig_mcclurg. I’ll be sure to follow you back). So we took a whole mess of photos and tagged them with #ewaves. You can check them out here