March Stats

In March We Served 6,548 Pages to 1,581 Visitors

We just keep setting records on! In March we served more pages to more people than ever before. I know that this good news is getting kinda monotonous, but I believe we’re gathering more traffic ‘cuz we’re working together. Your MA News stories, and your participation on the site draws traffic. So don’t let up, keep it coming!

Referrers: Facebook + Some New FacesFacebook continues to be super-important to us—e get more traffic from Facebook than from Google. So I encourage you to use Facebook to post links to your content on If all of us do this about once a week, then I think we can really see our traffic explode. Keep an eye out for Facebook posts from your fellow MissionAdventures leaders, and be sure to “Like” them and even re-post them. 

YWAM Salem Regains Their Crown

I can’t over-emphasize how important the MA News journal is to our site. It has become one of the most viewed sections and it continues to draw people to The stories that are posted there are inspiring. Here’s a shout out to YWAM San Francisco and YWAM Salem. Both of these bases have some great news stories on the site. And YWAM Ensenada posted a fun story about which taco stand was the best… So way to go!

If you haven’t yet, or if you haven’t recently, please write an MA News story about your ministry! Create links to your profile page and to your outreach page and encourage our readers to consider your ministry for their next short-term outreach. 

Okay, thanks for participating and making a great site for youthworkers!