Finishing Strong

If your base is anything like ours up here in the cold, wet, dismal Northwest…the end of the year is always a tough time to keep your focus on Jesus.  It is also a tough time to keep focused on Mission Adventures. Lets be honest, lots of times our minds come December 1st is focused on  Bing Crosby, Peppermint mochas, and Christmas trees.  I have always found it to be a tough time for me personally, which is why this year I challenged myself and tried to make December a super busy time ministry wise.  We ended up running around 110 youth through our weekly outreaches, and the last group showed up in a huge yellow school bus!  Talk about an awesome way to end the year.  So, why do I share this?  Is it to brag?  Is it to pat myself on the back.  No on both those questions.  I share because I believe that one of the things that makes us more like Jesus in our MA programs is to finish strong.  Whatever it is we are doing.  I typically am a pioneer….I love starting things….not the best at the follow through. We gotta finish strong with everything in our programs.  I pray that 2012 will be a year that all Mission Adventures programs will strive to finish strong…whether that means waving like crazy until your groups leave your campus, scheduling just one more group, or staying a little later to clean up the last groups mess to bless your base…..we gotta finish strong.  After all…look at Jesus….he took finishing strong to a whole new level.  How about us?