Tim & Sarah Walter Tim Walter of YWAM Salem is now the new chairperson of our North American Mission Adventures Leadership Team, (NA-MALT). We’re super-excited to have Tim take on this role. Tim has been a part of the Mission Adventures family for several years. Back in 2005, he developed the first MA ministry in St. Petersburg, Russia. When he and his family packed up and moved to Salem, they re-pioneered MA there. Tim’s got a knack for connecting with youth pastors, and has really grown the ministry in Salem.
Speaking of family—Tim’s a family man. He and his wife Sarah have a whole tribe of kids. At last count we saw three girls and two boys ranging in ages from nine years old to just a few months old. Somehow, Sarah manages to keep the house clean, and even keeps Tim on track. So we know this is a great family to help guide our Network in North America into the future!
When Tim accepted this leadership appointment, he said, “I’m honored to be in this position. And I hope and pray to be able to serve the Network to the best of my abilities. I am looking forward to building deeper relationships with you all, and serving Jesus together. Let’s rock out this MA thing and see lives changed!”
It should be noted that we’re super-grateful for Phil Cunningham’s leadership of the NA-MALT over the past few years. Phil brought a lot to us in the social networking area, and has inspired us all with his focus on justice issues. We wish him well as he grows the amazing Steps of Justice ministry.
Soon you’ll be hearing more from Tim about some great new opportunities in the Network, and I know he’s got some great ideas for our North American WAVES Gathering too. So stay tuned to the MA Insider for more info!