Okay, so Traffic wasn’t ‘bumper to bumper’ but it was good! | via ShutterstockIn December we served 5,091 Pages to 1,005 Visitors.
A Great Finish to 2010
Despite a slight drop off in traffic during Christmas and New Years, we posted another strong month on MissionAdventures.net. That means from August to December 2010 we served 28,892 pages to 5,260 visitors. This is a great benchmark, and I’m hoping that our little site will exceed those numbers pretty quickly in 2011.
Same Old Story
We’re still getting a significant chunk of traffic via Facebook. Many people are searching for “Mission Adventures” on Google in order to find us. YWAM Salem is still seeing a lot of traffic on their page.
Let’s Work Together and See 5,000 Visitors A Month
My concern is that we’ll become complacent and figure a thousand visitors a month is good enough. I’d really like to see that grow to 5,000 visitors a month—and that can’t happen without you. That means you’ve got to contribute and promote the site. I know you’ve got lots of other things to do, but if we all work together on this, can you imagine the benefit and growth we’ll all see. Of course you can go it alone, but growth will be much slower.
No New MA News Since November!
So ummm… Here’s an opportunity for you—put up a story about your Mission Adventures ministry and direct some links to your Outreaches and your Profile page. See if you can get another team to sign up for your programs this year.
The Insider is Now Password Free
You may have noticed that you don’t need a password to access the MA Insider anymore. It took a little reading of the excellent Squarespace User Manual, but I figured out how to do it. (I’m slow, I know). This way everyone on your staff and anyone that’s interested can check out this content. (Keep that in mind when you post!) Why don’t you encourage your base leader to check this stuff out? If you’ve got volunteers or other folks helping you, forward this stuff on to them. That way they’ll be more engaged in MA and more likely to be supportive of your ministry.
Stay tuned for more Expand Heaven Here Theme Goodness™ by the end of the week!