It's time to get the fishing gear out!

You are probably thinking it’s “Not the right season for fishing…” But through my years of working with MA, I have found that if you don’t get the fishing bait ( bait is your mission trip opportunities) in the mouth of a youth worker by December, you are too late, because all the other fisherman have caught them. 

I hope you have teams signed up already and that your still fishing for more of them. Here’s a few of the tools I use to catch my fish…


  1. I find new lakes to fish in.  I use the contacts of my fellow staff at my base to get their personal youth groups to sign up. 
  2. I contact all churches and christian schools in my state. I send a brochure and following up with a phone call. 
  3. I use the ocean for fishing.( AKA the internet). Facebook is a great way to promote your program. Or pay google to advertise your program on word searches “like short term missions/ training/ youth.” 
  4. Go to the youth and their workers. Get a promotional booth at youth conferences or concerts. Example: Creation north or east, Youth specialties, and /or local fairs,etc. 
  5. Visit the youth. Go on a Mission Adventures road trip and visit any youth groups that may be interested in having a crazy fun night of missions. Don’t forget to visit the groups that have come through you in the past!!
  6. ASK youth pastors to pass on your brochure and some goodies to other youth workers they know. 


These are a few ways that I do promotional stuff to get more groups to sign up for a great life-changing summer. If you have any fishing bait that works for you, pass it onto your fellow fisherman. 

Grab your gear, it’s our season to fish me friends…..