Announcing a Partnership with Purnaa!
I'm pleased to announce that we're working with Purnaa in Nepal
to source our new Mission Adventures Cinch Sacks.
Purnaa is an ethical manufacturer in Nepal with a social mission to empower survivors of abuse and exploitation to fresh starts and fulfilled lives. They make high-quality products and are thrilled to be making our Mission Adventures bags! The bags may cost a bit more but we know that those who make them are paid a living wage and work in inspiring conditions. By sourcing from Purnaa we aren't just buying bags, we are becoming part of a transformation story.
Purnaa is in Nepal, and Nepal is Beautiful! | Photo Credit: Rohit Tandonvia
So What?
For years we've been giving bags to the students who participate in Mission Adventures outreaches. And for years we've done our best to give to our students high-quality bags that are in line with our values. But we've never been able to know for sure where and how our bags are made. Until now.
Mockup of MA Cinch Sack by Purnaa
So Those Bags tho…
We're going to offer Cinch Sacks made by Purnaa for 2017. These babies are 100% cotton and 100% made in Nepal! Durable and natural, your students will love these bags. They're just the right size at 13 inches wide by 17 inches tall. They've got sturdy nylon rope cord, and reinforcements at the corners. As always, our goal is for the students to want to use these after their outreach, and we're confident that these bags fit the bill!
Photo Credit: Dương Trần Quốcvia
So Purnaa…
We've had lots of great conversations with the folks at Purnaa—did you know the people who started it are former MA students?! Pretty cool, eh? So as we've been talking to them, we've been getting more and more excited about who they are and what they do. Here's how they describe themselves:
Purnaa is not a sweatshop! We are a social enterprise where we put our mission above the traditional business goal of creating returns for shareholders. We believe business has the potential to transform society; therefore, we constantly strive for growth in order to expand the reach of our social mission. Purnaa is a quadruple bottom line company, with an emphasis on:
Profitability: To both sustain and grow in our social impact we recognize the importance of making profits.
Social Change: We are committed to improving the quality of life of our employees and our local and global communities, Therefore, we create opportunities for ongoing education and skills development for our employees and look for sustainable projects to improve our communities.
Environmental Responsibility: In an industry known for causing devastating effects through irresponsible environmental practices, we are committed to sourcing sustainable materials and protecting our local communities' environments.
Spiritual Health: We create opportunities for our employees’ spiritual development
Check out their site: